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UPDATED - Click here for important information about TD Snap
Click here for important information about TD Snap

Important Information about TD Snap Purchases

This article was updated on 23 May 2024.

Tobii Dynavox announced changes to the purchasing model for TD Snap on 22 May 2024.

TD Snap has previously been available as a one-time purchase for $79.99 and TD Snap with PODD Page Sets was previously available for $310.00

With the changes announced today, these purchasing options are no longer available. The TD Snap Application is no longer available from the Australian App Store and as such all existing orders for TD Snap have been cancelled.


The Way Forward for TD Snap at Assistive Tech

At Assistive Tech we're proudly vendor agnostic because we know every participant is different and your Speech and Language Pathologist is the person best positioned to advise you on what works best in your circumstances.

Unfortunately the new approach to pricing that Tobii Dynavox has introduced is incompatible with most billing arrangements that are in place for the participants of the NDIS.


For Self Managed Participants

You can still download TD Snap Lite for free and then subscribe to the add ins you require on a monthly basis. You will need to then submit your monthly subscription invoice from Apple to the NDIS through the My NDIS App for reimbursement.

For Plan Managed Participants

You can still download TD Snap Lite for free and then subscribe to the add ins you require on a monthly basis. You will need to then submit your monthly subscription invoice from Apple to your Plan Manager for reimbursement.

For NDIS/Agency Managed Participants

There is currently no method available for delivery of these subscriptions. Please consult your Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) for an alternative product.


Give Feedback to Tobii Dynavox on Subscription Length

We understand the need for Tobii Dynavox to continuously reinvest in the TD Snap application and that this needs to be underpinned by subscription revenue.

Importantly, they need to understand the practicality of transacting their subscriptions with the NDIS and we are hopeful that with enough feedback that Tobii Dynavox will introduce an annual subscription or three year subscription that will allow us to resume supporting NDIS/Agency Managed Participants in the near future. You can provide direct feedback to Tobii Dynavox on these issues at


Ordering TD Snap Lite (without a subscription)
If you would like to order an iPad with the Free TD Snap Lite app pre-installed (no subscriptions will be included) you can simply add this to your Assistive Tech Order.

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