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NDIS Eligibility for some Products has changed from 3 October 2024. Click for Info.
NDIS Eligibility for some Products has changed from 3 October 2024. Click for Info.
iPads and the NDIS for Participants

iPads and the NDIS for Participants

This guide has been updated to reflect the inclusion of Tablets, Apps and Smart Watches on the Replacement Supports List from 03/10/2024.

The NDIS has confirmed in writing that a Replacement Supports Application is not required for iPads purchased under the Capacity Building / Telehealth provisions of the Price Guide.

The NDIA regularly publishes updates to their information You can review upcoming changes as a result of this legislation at

At Assistive Tech as a registered NDIS provider we can assist you with supply of iPads and other low cost assistive technologies for all your participants right across Australia regardless of whether they’re self-managed, plan managed or agency managed.

The information that the NDIS publish regarding Low Cost AT changes regularly, most recently this was updated to align with new information released by the NDIS on their "List of Supports" on 02/10/2024

If you want to purchase an iPad with your NDIS funds your purchase will typically be for telehealth or use with an AAC app like Proloquo2Go or LAMP.


(Item Number 15_222400911_0124_1_3)

If you're buying your tablet for telehealth then you should not spend more than $750 and your tablet should not cost more than $600. A replacement supports application IS NOT required for this purchase. 

We recommend the following bundles for telehealth:

In order to complete your order you will need a letter from the provider that you are using the device with for telehealth. We have templates for providers so if your provider needs help, please ask them to get in touch with us or to read our Allied Health Provider Guide.

There is no need to be overly detailed in the support letter for this low cost purchase.

When you buy a device for telehealth the NDIS is very specific about what can't be funded. This includes:

Larger Tablets (unless for example head tracking is required).

Devices with cellular/mobile connectivity (you can pay the difference to upgrade to a model that has cellular and you will also have to pay for your own data plan as an everyday living expense)

Multiple devices (NDIS will only fund one device)

Internet and Data Costs

Accessories (except standard protective cases or disability specific cases, mounts and those related to your disability e.g. an apple pencil if you have dexterity issues).

Assistive Technology for Augmented Communication Apps 

(A variety of NDIS Item Codes may apply to this purchase.)

The NDIS has Operational Guidelines that outline the requirements for supply of Tablets / AAC Devices - this was updated on 10 February 2022. These items are also included on the Replacement Supports List.

If you already have budget available for the AAC purchase

If you would like to use your existing budget in your plan, and you have specific approval for these items in your plan - or you have written approval from your NDIS planner for the purchase of a tablet or other Low-Cost Assistive Technology then you can move forward with your purchase.

Requesting Approval / Additional Funding from NDIS via a Desktop Review

Where a participant does not have budget or funding for the Tablet and AAC apps they require, you can request additional funding from the NDIS through the Replacement Support process.

The NDIS will need:

Application for Replacement Support Form

Draft Service Agreement with tablet and apps (Optional)

Advice / Recommendation from the Speech Pathologist (Optional)

Under the Participant Service Guarantee rule - your request must be considered and decided by the NDIS within 28 days.

Requesting Funding from NDIS at a Plan Review

If you're preparing for your participant's plan review and their speech pathologist has recommended a tablet and AAC apps the NDIS planner will need appropriate documentation and evidence for consideration of inclusion of the tablet and applications in the plan.

The NDIS will need:

A draft Service Agreement with tablet and apps

Advice / Recommendation from the Speech Pathologist or an Assistive Technology Advisor

Frequently Asked Questions

We spend a lot of our time answering questions about NDIS policies, guidance and current processes for Assistive Technology. We've included below a summary of our most regularly asked questions:

1. Can I please get a quote?

At Assistive Tech we don't issue quotes. The easiest way to get the documentary evidence you need for an NDIS purchase is to place an order on our online store for the bundle and apps you need and then select your payment method (plan managed or NDIS managed) our customer service team will prepare a draft service agreement for you to include for your plan review or change of circumstance application.

2. Person "X" told me you can't buy an iPad with NDIS funds

The NDIS will always fund reasonable and necessary supports within their guidelines. The NDIS have specifically included these items on their Replacement Supports List. We're a specialist in this space and can confirm these items can be purchased as a support as long as you have NDIS Approval.

3. Can I order a device with mobile internet / cellular service?

The NDIS guidelines are specific on this issue. The participant must fund any difference between the lowest cost available model and the cellular model. We can assist with this process - typically a cellular model requires a you to make a  contribution of approximately $200 from your own money (though this varies from model to model). Please get in touch with our customer service team on 1300 088 222 for assistance.

4. I need an invoice for my plan manager. what do I do next?

Place your order online and select plan managed at the checkout page - our team will then help you with next steps. At Assistive Tech we always issue invoices directly to Plan Managers.

We're happy to send you a copy on request but please do not forward our invoices on to the plan manager as this often causes delays and rework. 

5. Why do you require a copy of the NDIS Approval for agency managed orders?

As a registered NDIS provider we have a responsibility to ensure the orders we process meet NDIS eligibility requirements. We require evidence to demonstrate you have met the NDIS Approval requirements to ensure we are not processing orders that don't meet NDIS critieria.

6. Why don't you ask for the NDIS Approval for self-managed orders or plan-managed orders?

In these circumstances it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure they are only procuring approved devices. Your plan manager will need evidence of approval before remitting payment for your order.

7. How long will it take to ship once I place an order for my participant?

At Assistive Tech we're one of the only providers nationally that keeps our products in stock for immediate dispatch. Once we have confirmation of payment the goods will ship within 1 business day.

8. I have other questions

If you have other questions or require assistance please get in touch with our friendly team via phone on 1300 088 222.

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